Freitag, 20. Januar 2012

Guttenberg und Neelie Kroes

Der Spiegel veröffentlichte heute disesen Artikel über den Briefwechsel zwischen den EU Verantortlichen und KTzG. Heise stellte diesen Briefwechsel jüngstens online und ich kann jedem empfehlen da hinein zu gucken.

Besonders gut gefällt mr dieser Absatz von Neelie Kroes:

I was extremely worried but not surprised, to see that one of the first things that repressive regimes in these countries do, when faced with the peoples desire for democracy, is to disrupt communication networks and media inside the country and internationally. This is a clear sign of the democratic potential of information and communication technologies.
I think people have the right to use technology to fulfill their desire for freedom, and we, as politicians of democratic countries, have a duty to support them in this endeavor.
Ich finde, da hat sie ganz recht. Anscheinend aber, haben die Politiker in den  USA angesichts der unbequemen "Occupy" Protesten beschlossen von ihren Kollegen in Nordafrika zu lernen.

Auch die EU versucht mit ACTA diese gefährlichen Instrumente der Demokratie unter Kontrolle zu bringen. Natürlich immer unter dem Vorwand gegen Online Piraterie (wahlweise auch Terrorismus oder Kinderpornographie) vorzugehen, versteht sich.

Grundsätzlich aber scheint mir, dass es auch in der EU viele Kollegen von Frau Kroes gibt, die eher unglücklich über die Demokratiefördernde Wirkung von sozialen Netzwerken sind. Aber das bilde ich mir möglicherweise nur ein.

Auch was das Informationspotential des Internets angeht denke ich, ist nicht jeder EU Politiker wirklich glücklich. Das konzertierte Vorgehen gegen Julian Assange und seine vollkommen frei erfundene Vergewaltigungsanzeige und die Hetzjagd durch halb Europa lassen mich eher an der Begeisterung unserer Politik über das Internet zweifeln.

Wie auch immer, wir werden die Entwicklung weiter beobachten.

Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012

SOPA Hintergrund Video

Ist es möglich, dass die selben Unternehmen, die jetzt alles tun um SOPA in den USA als Gesetz durchzupeitschen, Verantwortlich für die Verbreitung von Filesharingsoftware sind?

Laut diesem Video verhält es sich genau so.

Guttenberg an die Internetfront

Die Zeit in der sich Herr Guttenberg als ein Verfechter der Freiheit des Internets beweisen kann ist gekommen. Die Freiheit des Internets in den USA steht bei den heute beginnenden Sitzungen im US Representantenhaus auf dem Spiel.

Kurz gefasst: die Gesetzesvorlagen SOPA und PIPA geben den Anwälten großer Film und Musik -vetriebsgesellschaften die Mittel in die Hand, ohne jegliche richterliche Überprüfung, jeden der im Internet veröffentlicht finanziell zu vernichten.

Wie in vorherigen Post schon berichtet, sind die Kontakte des Herrn Guttenberg in die USA ausgezeichnet. Niemand wäre besser in der Lage die Freiheit des Internets gegen diesen bisher schlimmsten Angriff zu verteidigen. Wann wenn nicht jetzt, wo, wenn nicht in den USA, muss die Freiheit der "Presse" verteidigt werden.

Ich fürchte aber, SOPA ist genau die Form von Internetfreiheit die sich Herr Guttenberg vorstellt. Nur durch eine eindeutige Äusserung seinerseits würde ich mich vom Gegenteil überzeugen lassen.

Die Pressefreiheit in den USA befindet sich auf dem Tiefpunkt ihrer Geschichte. Die Medien sind sämtlich in der Hand großer Konzerne die die öffentliche Meinung kontrollieren.

Nicht von Ungefähr, ging der Pulitzer Preis letztes Jahr an die Internet-News Seite "Pro Publica". Das Fernsehen ist indiskutabel, das Radio seit den massiven Angriffen auf das öffentlich rechtliche Radio ebenfalls und die Printmedien haben sich in der Berichterstattung vor dem Irakkrieg selbst demontiert und werden ohnehin kaum gelesen.

Ohne freie Presse gibt es keine Demokratie. Die wichtigste Demokratie der Welt wurde seit Jahren Stück für Stück an die Konzerne verkauft und abgeschafft. Diese Gesetze sollen der Demokratie in den USA den Rest geben.

Die Angst vor Wiki Leaks, Twitter usw treibt das Kapital zu immer drastischeren Angriffen auf die Demokratie. Ich hoffe, die Reaktionen werden nicht ausbleiben.


What Is SOPA?

If you hadn’t heard of SOPA before, you probably have by now: Some of the internet’s most influential sites—Reddit and Wikipedia among them—are going dark to protest the much-maligned anti-piracy bill. But other than being a very bad thing, what is SOPA? And what will it mean for you if it passes?

SOPA is an anti-piracy bill working its way through Congress…

House Judiciary Committee Chair and Texas Republican Lamar Smith, along with 12 co-sponsors, introduced the Stop Online Piracy Act on October 26th of last year. Debate on H.R. 3261, as it’s formally known, has consisted of one hearing on November 16th and a “mark-up period” on December 15th, which was designed to make the bill more agreeable to both parties. Its counterpart in the Senate is the Protect IP Act (S. 968). Also known by it’s cuter-but-still-deadly name: PIPA. There will likely be a vote on PIPA next Wednesday; SOPA discussions had been placed on hold but will resume in February of this year.

…that would grant content creators extraordinary power over the internet…

The beating heart of SOPA is the ability of intellectual property owners (read: movie studios and record labels) to effectively pull the plug on foreign sites against whom they have a copyright claim. If Warner Bros., for example, says that a site in Italy is torrenting a copy of The Dark Knight, the studio could demand that Google remove that site from its search results, that PayPal no longer accept payments to or from that site, that ad services pull all ads and finances from it, and—most dangerously—that the site’s ISP prevent people from even going there.

…which would go almost comedically unchecked…

Perhaps the most galling thing about SOPA in its original construction is that it let IP owners take these actions without a single court appearance or judicial sign-off. All it required was a single letter claiming a “good faith belief” that the target site has infringed on its content. Once Google or PayPal or whoever received the quarantine notice, they would have five days to either abide or to challenge the claim in court. Rights holders still have the power to request that kind of blockade, but in the most recent version of the bill the five day window has softened, and companies now would need the court’s permission.
The language in SOPA implies that it’s aimed squarely at foreign offenders; that’s why it focuses on cutting off sources of funding and traffic (generally US-based) rather than directly attacking a targeted site (which is outside of US legal jurisdiction) directly. But that’s just part of it.

…to the point of potentially creating an “Internet Blacklist”…

Here’s the other thing: Payment processors or content providers like Visa or YouTube don’t even need a letter shut off a site’s resources. The bill’s “vigilante” provision gives broad immunity to any provider who proactively shutters sites it considers to be infringers. Which means the MPAA just needs to publicize one list of infringing sites to get those sites blacklisted from the internet.
Potential for abuse is rampant. As Public Knowledge points out, Google could easily take it upon itself to delist every viral video site on the internet with a “good faith belief” that they’re hosting copyrighted material. Leaving YouTube as the only major video portal. Comcast (an ISP) owns NBC (a content provider). Think they might have an interest in shuttering some rival domains? Under SOPA, they can do it without even asking for permission.

…while exacting a huge cost from nearly every site you use daily…

SOPA also includes an “anti-circumvention” clause, which holds that telling people how to work around SOPA is nearly as bad as violating its main provisions. In other words: if your status update links to The Pirate Bay, Facebook would be legally obligated to remove it. Ditto tweets, YouTube videos, Tumblr or WordPress posts, or sites indexed by Google. And if Google, Twitter, WordPress, Facebook, etc. let it stand? They face a government “enjoinment.” They could and would be shut down.
The resources it would take to self-police are monumental for established companies, and unattainable for start-ups. SOPA would censor every online social outlet you have, and prevent new ones from emerging.

…and potentially disappearing your entire digital life…

The party line on SOPA is that it only affects seedy off-shore torrent sites. That’s false. As the big legal brains at Bricoleur point out, the potential collateral damage is huge. And it’s you. Because while Facebook and Twitter have the financial wherewithal to stave off anti-circumvention shut down notices, the smaller sites you use to store your photos, your videos, and your thoughts may not. If the government decides any part of that site infringes on copyright and proves it in court? Poof. Your digital life is gone, and you can’t get it back.

…while still managing to be both unnecessary and ineffective…

What’s saddest about SOPA is that it’s pointless on two fronts. In the US, the MPAA, and RIAA already have the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) to request that infringing material be taken down. We’ve all seen enough “video removed” messages to know that it works just fine.
As for the foreign operators, you might as well be throwing darts at a tse-tse fly. The poster child of overseas torrenting, Pirate Bay, has made it perfectly clear that they’re not frightened in the least. And why should they be? Its proprietors have successfully evaded any technological attempt to shut them down so far. Its advertising partners aren’t US-based, so they can’t be choked out. But more important than Pirate Bay itself is the idea of Pirate Bay, and the hundreds or thousands of sites like it, as populous and resilient as mushrooms in a marsh. Forget the question of should SOPA succeed. It’s incredibly unlikely that it could. At least at its stated goals.

…but stands a shockingly good chance of passing…

SOPA is, objectively, an unfeasible trainwreck of a bill, one that willfully misunderstands the nature of the internet and portends huge financial and cultural losses. The White House has come out strongly against it. As have hundreds of venture capitalists and dozens of the men and women who helped build the internet in the first place. In spite of all this, it remains popular in the House of Representatives.
That mark-up period on December 15th, the one that was supposed to transform the bill into something more manageable? Useless. Twenty sanity-fueled amendments were flat-out rejected. And while the bill’s most controversial provision—mandatory DNS filtering—was thankfully taken off the table recently, in practice internet providers would almost certainly still use DNS as a tool to shut an accused site down.

…unless we do something about it.

The momentum behind the anti-SOPA movement has been slow to build, but we’re finally at a saturation point. Wikipedia, BoingBoing, WordPress, TwitPic: they’ll all be dark on January 18th. An anti-SOPA rally has been planned for tomorrow afternoon in New York. The list of companies supporting SOPA is long but shrinking, thanks in no small part to the emails and phone calls they’ve received in the last few months.
So keep calling. Keep emailing. Most of all, keep making it known that the internet was built on the same principles of freedom that this country was. It should be afforded to the same rights.